Meet the Artist

Alyssa Bardy
Alyssa Bardy is a self-taught natural light photographer and a visual storyteller.She is rarely found without her children, binoculars, dog and camera.
Born and raised in rural Ontario, Alyssa was raised with a love and appreciation for a lifestyle immersed in the outdoors. Alyssa’s photography tells the stories of motherhood, Indigenous reconnection, nationhood, and our interconnectedness with Land, with a special passion for birds.
Alyssa uses the lens as a tool for herself, her children, and future generations to learn and share the brilliance and beauty of both culture and creation.
Alyssa is Upper Cayuga of Six Nations of the Grand River and belongs to Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, where she and her family reside. Examples of her work can be found in Canadian Geographic, The 400 Years Project, and the Center for Humans and Nature among many others.
Engrained in my core is the awe and wonder of how Winter has a way of slowing things down - drowning out the noise and chaos for the opportunity to stop, listen, and feel. When I think of this project, I think of those silent, starlit nights, when the season was asking us too, to rest and hear what stories can be heard
Meet the Storyteller

Tewateronhiahkhwa Gleniste
Tewateronhiahkhwa Gleniste is from the Mohawk Nation, Wolf Clan. She is a mother of three, a daughter, a partner, an artist and storyteller.
She has been a student of Kanienke’ha (Mohawk Language) for the last six years and works as an Educator at Kawennaón:we Mohawk Language school in Kenhtéke (Tyendinaga Mohawk Territorty).
She enjoys spending time with her children, learning their language, living their cultural ways and spending time in nature.
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