What does the welcoming streets outreach team carry?
Our team carries a variety of basic necessity items including water, snacks, harm reduction supplies, and socks or other seasonal necessities when feasible. We also bring with us our knowledge of the various Kingston agencies in order to make referrals and connect individuals to the services they need.
What is harm reduction?
Harm reduction is an evidence-based approach that aims to reduce the health and social harms associated with substance use and addiction. It is a non-judgmental approach that engages individuals "where they are at" in their substance use with a focus on safety and risk reduction. The utilization of harm reduction supplies, naloxone, safer use methods, and proper disposal of used supplies, enhances safety on an individual and community level.
What is Naloxone?
Naloxone (Sometimes referred to by the brand name, Narcan) is a fast acting drug used to temporarily reverse the effects of opiod overdoses.
What is the difference between homeless and unhoused?
What can I do if I see someone experiencing a crisis?
If you come across an individual that you suspect to be experienging a mental health or addictions related crisis in downtown Kingston, your first point of contact is Welcoming Streets. We can be reached from 9am-5pm seven days a week at 613-583-5008. If you are seeking support outside of those hours, contact the AMHS Crisis line at 613-544-4229. If you are unsure who to contact in a given situation, refer to our "Who to call" poster to help guide you.
**Like to the poster page
Why is it called "Welcoming Streets"?
What are some ways I can help?
The success of the Welcoming Streets program is in the meaningful interactions with clients, local businesses, and community members. Utilizing the service is a great way to help because it allows us an opportunity to connect with members of our community who are in need of assistance and to connect them to the appropriate services. **(Maybe also mention the diversion component)**
There are a number of other ways for you to support the cause. Visit our "How to Help" page for a list of ways you can support the Welcoming Streets program as well as our partner organizations.